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Adam DeCarlo is an award-winning actor and filmmaker based in NYC. Adam was born and raised in Orange County, California; where he began studying acting at the Tony Award-Winning regional theatre, South Coast Repertory. After graduating High School, he studied as a Theatre major at Fullerton College, where he performed in many of their productions and served as a Theatre Arts Ambassador for the department for two years. He then transferred to the University of California, Riverside (UCR) where he continued to study theatre and graduated with a BA, as a double major in Theatre and Media/Cultural Studies.

Upon graduating from UCR, Adam moved to New York City and studied at the renowned Circle in the Square Theatre School. While living in NYC, he has appeared on several hit TV shows on Netflix, FOX, HULU, HBO, and A&E. He has also performed off off-B'way, had leading roles in short films, and a feature film. Adam has recently written & directed two award-winning short films, ‘Lost & Found’ & ‘Skeletons’.

Adam is a proud member of SAG-AFTRA and AEA.